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Live: The Oscars 2011, Part 2


Temat: Sztuka i rozrywka

03.34. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson - aka Robert Downey Junior and Jude Law - are now on stage. After a bit of banter, they announce the Oscar for best visual effects - it goes to Inception. 03.30. In accepting his award for best documentary, Charles Ferguson says: "Not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that's wrong." 03.27. Empire Online blogs: Franco: "What up, NYU?" He claims that this was a great year for musicals - and when challenged by Hathaway, presents an auto-tuned selection of clips from this year's movies to prove his point. Here's the promised Twilight musical moment, which is actually hilarious. It may be sleep deprivation. 03.23. Best documentary feature goes to Inside Job - a film about the financial collapse of 2008. That means Banksy's film, Exit through the Gift Shop, loses out - now we'll never know whether he's in the building or not. 03.19. Swearing news just in. The Academy has confirmed that Melissa Leo's F-bomb was the first in Oscar history. 03.17. Best live action short film goes to God of Love. Accepting the award, Luke Matheny, sporting a rather unruly 'do, gets one of the biggest laughs of the night so far as he says, "Phew, I should have got a haircut." 03.14. Strangers No More wins the award for best documentary short. It's about a school in Tel Aviv where children from many countries live and learn together. 03.12. In case you're just joining us, among the winners so far have been Melissa Leo, who took best supporting actress for her part in the Fighter, and Christian Bale, who won best supporting actor for the same film. 03.08. Just a bit more info on best costume winner Colleen Atwood. It's her third Oscar victory after successes in 2006 for Memoirs of a Geisha and 2003 for Chicago. She's been nominated practically every year since 1999! 03.05. A bit later we'll get to the award for best original song, but before we do, we'll get to hear from each of those nominated. First up is We Belong Together, from Toy Story 3. Were you one of the grown-ups who cried at the end? 03.01. Alice in Wonderland wins the award for best costume. 02.59. A quick recap on where we're at so far. Inception has three awards, and The Fighter and The Social Network two each. Surely we can expect a surge from The King's Speech some time soon. 02.58. The Wolfman wins the award for best make-up. Rick Baker's victory in this category has been a long time coming. 02.57. Sky's Kirsty Donald blogs: David Seidler is in the interview room now after winning original screenplay for The King's Speech. He's been flooded with messages thanking him for giving a voice to stutterers - he says he is still a stutterer himself. 02.52. One more award - they're coming thick and fast now - it's Inception again, specifically Richard King for sound editing. He also pays tribute to director Christopher Nolan - he might not be nominated, but those who worked alongside him on the film are making sure he isn't forgotten. 02.49. True to his word, James Franco has been tweeting backstage. He's even been taking videos and posting them online. This one shows the moment when he and Anne Hathaway made their grand entrance at the start of the ceremony - did anyone spot him filming? Was it a hidden camera or is he just super stealthy? 02.47. The award for sound mixing goes to Inception. 02.45. The award for best original score goes to Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for The Social Network. A surprise win - and a far cry from Nine Inch Nails. 02.41. Third frock of the night for Anne Hathaway. She started in red, then switched to cream, now it's grey. 0238 SophiaBushtweets: Best presentation of the night so far goes to Russell Brand and Helen Mirren. That's how funny is done. 02.35. "What a roomful of intelligent people - what the hell am I doing here?" asks Bale, accepting his award. He says he wont "drop the F-bomb" during his speech - admitting he's done that a few times before - referring, no doubt, to that infamous rant. 02.32. Another big gong now. The prize for best supporting actor goes to Christian Bale for his part in The Fighter. 02.28. After a skit with Hathaway in a tuxedo and Franco in a frock, the duo of Russell Brand and Dame Helen Mirren come on to present next award - for foreign language film. It goes to In a Better World. 02.26. It's the first Oscar nomination - and win - for West Wing writer Aaron Sorkin and his statuette can now sit next to his Bafta. He told the BBC he never prepares acceptance speeches as he thinks it's bad luck. 02.20. The Oscar for best adapted screenplay goes to David Seidler for The King's Speech. He thanks the Queen for not putting him in the Tower of London for making a king use the F-word. 02.17. First win for one of the night's big hitters, The Social Network. Writer Aaron Sorkin takes the award for best adapted screenplay. He praises director David Fincher, "the nicest man in the world". 02.14. CNN's Jack Gray blogs: First f-bomb of the night goes to Melissa Leo. Let's hope it's the first of many. Keep those network censors on their toes. 02.11. Spare a thought for True Grit's Roger Deakins - he was the favourite to win the cinematography prize after missing out seven times before. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. 02.08. Best animated feature film goes to Toy Story 3. Director Lee Unkrich namechecks studios Pixar, "the most awesome place in the world to make movies". 0205 The Lost Thing wins best animated short film. 02.02. Justin Timberlake is up to present the next award, with Black Swan actress Mila Kunis. "I'm Banksy", he "confesses". 02.00. "Really, really truly wow," Melissa Leo says breathlessly. "I'm just shaking in my boots." It's her second Oscar nomination and first win. She then turns the air blue with an overenthusiastic expletive before fighting back some tears. We reckon she's definitely broken the 45-second time limit. 01.57. Next up to present is Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas. He gets a standing ovation before running through the nominees for best supporting actress. The award goes to Melissa Leo for The Fighter. By Victoria King and Genevieve Hassan Source: BBC News

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