1. Po raz pierwszy odwiedzasz EDU. LEARN

    Odwiedzasz EDU.LEARN

    Najlepszym sposobem na naukę języka jest jego używanie. W EDU.LEARN znajdziesz interesujące teksty i videa, które dadzą Ci taką właśnie możliwość. Nie przejmuj się - nasze filmiki mają napisy, dzięki którym lepiej je zrozumiesz. Dodatkowo, po kliknięciu na każde słówko, otrzymasz jego tłumaczenie oraz prawidłową wymowę.

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  2. Mini lekcje

    Podczas nauki języka bardzo ważny jest kontekst. Zdjęcia, przykłady użycia, dialogi, nagrania dźwiękowe - wszystko to pomaga Ci zrozumieć i zapamiętać nowe słowa i wyrażenia. Dlatego stworzyliśmy Mini lekcje. Są to krótkie lekcje, zawierające kontekstowe slajdy, które zwiększą efektywność Twojej nauki. Są cztery typy Mini lekcji - Gramatyka, Dialogi, Słówka i Obrazki.

  3. Wideo

    Ćwicz język obcy oglądając ciekawe filmiki. Wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na filmik. Nie martw się, obok każdego z nich są napisy. A może wcale nie będą Ci one potrzebne? Spróbuj!

  4. Teksty

    Czytaj ciekawe artykuły, z których nauczysz się nowych słówek i dowiesz więcej o rzeczach, które Cię interesują. Podobnie jak z filmikami, możesz wybrać temat oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknąć na wybrany artykuł. Nasz interaktywny słownik pomoże Ci zrozumieć nawet trudne teksty, a kontekst ułatwi zapamiętanie słówek. Dodatkowo, każdy artykuł może być przeczytany na głos przez wirtualnego lektora, dzięki czemu ćwiczysz słuchanie i wymowę!

  5. Słowa

    Tutaj możesz znaleźć swoją listę "Moje słówka", czyli funkcję wyszukiwania słówek - a wkrótce także słownik tematyczny. Do listy "Moje słówka" możesz dodawać słowa z sekcji Videa i Teksty. Każde z słówek dodanych do listy możesz powtórzyć później w jednym z naszych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo, zawsze możesz iść do swojej listy i sprawdzić znaczenie, wymowę oraz użycie słówka w zdaniu. Użyj naszej wyszukiwarki słówek w części "Słownictwo", aby znaleźć słowa w naszej bazie.

  6. Lista tekstów

    Ta lista tekstów pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Teksty". Wybierz poziom trudności oraz temat, a następnie artykuł, który Cię interesuje. Kiedy już zostaniesz do niego przekierowany, kliknij na "Play", jeśli chcesz, aby został on odczytany przez wirtualnego lektora. W ten sposób ćwiczysz umiejętność słuchania. Niektóre z tekstów są szczególnie interesujące - mają one odznakę w prawym górnym rogu. Koniecznie je przeczytaj!

  7. Lista Video

    Ta lista filmików pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Video". Podobnie jak w przypadku Tekstów, najpierw wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na wybrane video. Te z odznaką w prawym górnym rogu są szczególnie interesujące - nie przegap ich!

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Weekly Address: Health Insurance Reform, Small Business and Your Questions (July 25 2009)


Temat: Biznes

The President: I recently heard from a small business owner from New Jersey
who wrote that he employs eight people and provides health
insurance for all of them.
But his policy goes up at least 20% each year, and today,
it costs almost $1,400 per family per month --
his highest business expense beside employees' salaries.
He's already had to let two of them go,
and he may be forced to eliminate health insurance altogether.
He wrote, simply: "I'm not looking for free health care,
I would just like to get my premiums reduced enough to be
able to afford it."
Day after day, I hear from people just like him.
Workers worried they may lose their coverage if they become
too sick, or lose their job, or change jobs.
Families who fear they may not be able to get insurance,
or change insurance, if someone in their family has a
pre-existing condition.
And small business owners trying to make a living and do right by
the people they employ.
These are the mom and pop stores and restaurants,
beauty shops and construction companies that support families
and sustain communities.
They're the tiny startups with big ideas,
hoping to become the next Google or Apple or HP.
And, as shown in a new report released today by the White
House Council of Economic Advisers,
right now they are getting crushed by skyrocketing health care costs.
Because they lack the bargaining power that large businesses have
and face higher administrative costs per person,
small businesses pay up to 18% more for the very same health
insurance plans -- costs that eat into their profits and get
passed on to their employees.
As a result, small businesses are much less likely to offer
health insurance.
Those that do tend to have less generous plans.
In a recent survey, one third of small businesses reported
cutting benefits.
Many have dropped coverage altogether.
And many have shed jobs, or shut their doors entirely.
This is unsustainable, it's unacceptable,
and it's going to change when I sign health insurance reform
into law.
Under the reform plans in Congress,
small businesses will be able to purchase health insurance
through an "insurance exchange," a marketplace where they can
compare the price, quality and services of a wide variety of
plans, many of which will provide better coverage at lower
costs than the plans they have now.
They can then pick the one that works best for them and their employees.
Small businesses that choose to insure their employees will also
receive a tax credit to help them pay for it.
If a small business chooses not to provide coverage,
its employees can purchase high quality,
affordable coverage through the insurance exchange on their own.
Low-income workers -- folks who are more likely to be working at
small businesses -- will qualify for a subsidy to help them cover the costs.
And no matter how you get your insurance,
insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny you
coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
They won't be able to drop your coverage if you get too sick or
lose your job or change jobs.
And we'll limit the amount your insurance company can force you
to pay out of your own pocket.
To view the new report and learn more about how health insurance
reform will help small businesses,
go to whitehouse.gov, and send us your questions and comments
-- we'll answer as many of them as we can later this week.
Over the past few months, I've been pushing hard to make sure
we finally address the need for health insurance reform,
which has been deferred year after year, decade after decade.
And today, after a lot of hard work in Congress,
we are closer than ever before to finally passing reform that
will reduce costs, expand coverage,
and provide more choices for our families and businesses.
It's taken months to reach this point,
and once this legislation passes,
we'll need to move thoughtfully and deliberately to implement
these reforms over a period of several years.
That's why I feel such a sense of urgency about moving this
process forward.
Now I know there are those who are urging us to delay reform.
And some of them have actually admitted that this is a tactic
designed to stop any reform at all.
Some have even suggested that, regardless of its merits,
health care reform should be stopped as a way to inflict
political damage on my Administration.
I'll leave it to them to explain that to the American people.
What I'm concerned about is the damage that's being done right
now to the health of our families,
the success of our businesses, and the long-term fiscal
stability of our government.
I'm concerned about hard working folks who want nothing more than
the security that comes with knowing they can get the care
they need, when they need it.
I'm concerned about the small business owners who are asking
for nothing more than a chance to seize their piece of the
American Dream.
I'm concerned about our children and our grandchildren who will
be saddled with deficits that will continue piling up year
after year unless we pass reform.
This debate is not a political game for these Americans,
and they cannot afford to keep waiting for reform.
We owe it to them to finally get it done --
and to get it done this year.
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