1. Po raz pierwszy odwiedzasz EDU. LEARN

    Odwiedzasz EDU.LEARN

    Najlepszym sposobem na naukę języka jest jego używanie. W EDU.LEARN znajdziesz interesujące teksty i videa, które dadzą Ci taką właśnie możliwość. Nie przejmuj się - nasze filmiki mają napisy, dzięki którym lepiej je zrozumiesz. Dodatkowo, po kliknięciu na każde słówko, otrzymasz jego tłumaczenie oraz prawidłową wymowę.

    Nie, dziękuję
  2. Mini lekcje

    Podczas nauki języka bardzo ważny jest kontekst. Zdjęcia, przykłady użycia, dialogi, nagrania dźwiękowe - wszystko to pomaga Ci zrozumieć i zapamiętać nowe słowa i wyrażenia. Dlatego stworzyliśmy Mini lekcje. Są to krótkie lekcje, zawierające kontekstowe slajdy, które zwiększą efektywność Twojej nauki. Są cztery typy Mini lekcji - Gramatyka, Dialogi, Słówka i Obrazki.

  3. Wideo

    Ćwicz język obcy oglądając ciekawe filmiki. Wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na filmik. Nie martw się, obok każdego z nich są napisy. A może wcale nie będą Ci one potrzebne? Spróbuj!

  4. Teksty

    Czytaj ciekawe artykuły, z których nauczysz się nowych słówek i dowiesz więcej o rzeczach, które Cię interesują. Podobnie jak z filmikami, możesz wybrać temat oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknąć na wybrany artykuł. Nasz interaktywny słownik pomoże Ci zrozumieć nawet trudne teksty, a kontekst ułatwi zapamiętanie słówek. Dodatkowo, każdy artykuł może być przeczytany na głos przez wirtualnego lektora, dzięki czemu ćwiczysz słuchanie i wymowę!

  5. Słowa

    Tutaj możesz znaleźć swoją listę "Moje słówka", czyli funkcję wyszukiwania słówek - a wkrótce także słownik tematyczny. Do listy "Moje słówka" możesz dodawać słowa z sekcji Videa i Teksty. Każde z słówek dodanych do listy możesz powtórzyć później w jednym z naszych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo, zawsze możesz iść do swojej listy i sprawdzić znaczenie, wymowę oraz użycie słówka w zdaniu. Użyj naszej wyszukiwarki słówek w części "Słownictwo", aby znaleźć słowa w naszej bazie.

  6. Lista tekstów

    Ta lista tekstów pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Teksty". Wybierz poziom trudności oraz temat, a następnie artykuł, który Cię interesuje. Kiedy już zostaniesz do niego przekierowany, kliknij na "Play", jeśli chcesz, aby został on odczytany przez wirtualnego lektora. W ten sposób ćwiczysz umiejętność słuchania. Niektóre z tekstów są szczególnie interesujące - mają one odznakę w prawym górnym rogu. Koniecznie je przeczytaj!

  7. Lista Video

    Ta lista filmików pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Video". Podobnie jak w przypadku Tekstów, najpierw wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na wybrane video. Te z odznaką w prawym górnym rogu są szczególnie interesujące - nie przegap ich!

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    Teraz zapraszamy Cię do zarejestrowania się i odkrycia wszystkich możliwości portalu.

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Chrome Event 12/7/10 (1 of 4) - Chrome Browser


Temat: Media

Stricker: Good morning.
We have a really packed agenda today,
so I'm just gonna go through a couple
of very quick housekeeping things before we begin.
I'm Gabriel Stricker, and for those of you who are here,
if you're having any problems just using the Wi-Fi,
please just raise your hand,
and someone will come over and help you.
Actually, I do see a handful of hands here,
so please just keep them up, and someone will come over
and do some tech support on the fly.
For those of you who are tuning in via our live stream,
we're gonna be having a Q & A
at the end of today's program.
And if you have questions, please email them to us
at chrome2010@google.com.
That's chrome2010@google.com,
and we'll read them
and address as many of your questions as we can
right after the program.
and so, without further ado,
I'd like to hand it over to our Vice President
of Product Management, Mr. Sundar Pichai.
Thank you.
Pichai: Thank you all for coming.
I really appreciate your time.
Last year when we had this event, about a year ago,
we had it back in Mountain View.
And I know a lot of you had difficulty
getting there in the morning.
So we tried to do it in San Francisco this time,
so hopefully it was a bit easier
for most of you.
We have a lot of stuff to cover today.
There are three main areas we're gonna cover today.
First is Chrome.
We launched Chrome about two years ago,
so we want to give an update on where we are today,
and give you a preview of some of the upcoming features
in Chrome.
The second area we want to talk about
is Chrome Web Store.
About six months ago, at Google I/O,
we had announced details of the web store,
and we've mad a lot of progress since then.
And so we want to give you an update on the Web Store.
The third area, where we will focus most of our time today,
is Chromeos.
A year ago we announced the open-source project
behind, Chromeos,
and we have been working with the community and partners
to make a lot of progress.
So we want to show you some exciting news there as well.
So let's get started.
The first thing is Chrome.
When we launched Chrome, the fundamental insight for us
behind Chrome was recognizing that the web had shifted
from documents, simple text pages,
to rich interactive applications.
What we now call as the Ajax Web 2.0 Revolution.
It was a pretty profound shift,
and most browsers were built for the era of simple web pages.
So we actually thought of Chrome
almost as a modern operating system
for web applications.
We brought in principles of modern operating systems
into the world of browsers.
And we focused on three main things--
speed, simplicity, and security.
I want to share with you in each of these areas
what are we doing now.
But let's first recap as to where we are
in terms of our users.
The last number we announced was during Google I/O
six months ago.
We had reached 70 million active users.
We are very, very conservative in how we count users in Chrome.
These are primary users who use Chrome
as their day-to-day browser.
In the six months since Google I/O,
we've had tremendous growth, and we are very excited
to announce that we are at 120 million users today.
If you take a look at it,
this growth is global in nature.
We have growth in every country.
While we expect North America and Europe...
Western Europe, et cetera, which is obvious,
we have had a lot of traction in emerging markets as well.
In fact, there are several countries--
Philippines, India, Albania, et cetera,
where we are close to one in four.
And in some cases, we are approaching
one in three internet users are using Chrome.
And if you look at leading tech blogs,
we look at them as a leading indicator
of where the rest of the broader population is moving.
Thee are several blogs, including Techmeme,
TechCrunch, et cetera,
which have reported Chrome as their leading browser.
Again, 120 million users.
It actually represents a 300% growth
since January of this year.
So what is driving this growth?
The single most common piece of feedback
we get from our users...
The single most common piece of feedback
is that Chrome is fast.
So speed has been our biggest focus since day one.
And we have a lot more features coming ahead.
Speed is not something which you can just
layer on in the product.
It's not a feature here or there.
It's a feature which is pervasive.
We thought about it from the day one.
From the time you click on the icon
to everything you do in the browser.
And so it's built in all through the browser.
To give you a sense of some of our
exciting upcoming features in Chrome,
I want to invite you our leader character
in Chrome comic book,
as well as our Director of Product Management,
Brian Rakowski.
Rakowski: Thanks, Sundar.
And like Sundar said, we're all about speed.
So I'm gonna show you a couple of things
that we're doing on the Chrome team
to make Chrome much, much faster.
Speed is a multi-faceted problem.
There's a lot of things we're working on.
But I'll just show you a couple.
Now, you might have noticed a couple of months ago
we launched Instant on the Google home page.
And it helps you get to your search results
much, much faster.
So we were, of course, very excited about that in Chrome.
We wanted to get the same benefits
from the Chrome Omnibox.
So just to refresh your memory,
I'll show you how Instant works in the Google search box
on the home page by doing a query
for my very favorite food, spaghetti tacos.
And as you can see, before I've even finished typing,
before I've hit enter,
the results are showing in line in the page.
It's really a nice experience.
You can see why it got us so excited,
and why we wanted to get the same experience
in Chrome as Omnibox.
So I'll show you the exact same query in the Omnibox.
This is what our team's been working on for a little while.
And as you can see, the same experience.
Really fast. You get your search results.
A really good, slick experience.
That's one part of the equation.
But as you know, the Omnibox is more--
is about more than just search results.
It's also about getting to URLs that you do to directly.
So in my case, I'm a big sports fan.
I tend to go to ESPN a lot.
And the browser has learned that that's one of the URLs
that I'm going to when I type "ESPN."
So it's instant in the Omnibox. It gets even faster.
Rather than having to select from a list of suggestions,
and then commit the result and load the page,
all I have to do is type a single letter,
and the page loads.
So I'll show you what that means.
I'll type an "E" for ESPN,
and the page is already loaded.
I didn't have to hit enter, I didn't have to finish the query.
It's pretty nice. And it's not just ESPN.
There's lots of other pages that I go to a lot.
I tend to check what my friends are doing on Twitter a lot.
Type a "T" for Twitter, and you can see
the page loads instantly.
I go check the news on CNN--
"C" for CNN--
and the page is there right away.
SO it's a really great experience.
We're very excited about this.
In case you missed it, I'll do it one more time.
"E" for ESPN. "T" for Twitter.
"C" for CNN.
"E"...It's pretty fun.
[scattered applause]
So that's Instant in the Omnibox.
We want to make getting to your pages
as quickly as possible, the way Chrome works.
The next thing I wanted to show you
is about making different types of content very fast.
So one of the most important types of content on the web
is PDF, and we've been working on a built-in PDF Reader
in Chrome.
The number one thing that we've been focusing on
is making it really, really fast.
SO I'll show you what it looks like
by doing a search for my very favorite PDF on the web...
the Chrome comic book.
And don't be distracted by the dashing characters
in this comic book.
I will click on this link, and you can instead focus on
the speed of the PDF Reader.
Ready, click.
It's--It's already there.
It's pretty nice.
But in fairness, it's only a 20 or 30-page PDF.
So I want to show you something that's a little bit tougher.
I bookmarked a perhaps more important,
but less interesting PDF-- the health care reform bill.
And I'll give it a click.
It's actually 1,990 pages of PDF.
And ready, click. It's already there.
And you can see the whole thing in all its glory.
You can scroll down, and you can even see
it's 1,990 pages.
So that's PDF Reader in Chrome. Very, very fast.
Makes loading PDFs a breeze.
And we're really excited about what we've got there.
Now, another type of content that we want to make faster
is graphical content on the web.
And our team has been working very hard,
on hardware acceleration.
And just to make sure we're all on the same page,
when I talk about hardware acceleration,
I'm talking about offloading as much of the work,
and rendering graphical content to the GPU from the CPU
as possible
Now, the GPU is the second processor on your computer,
specifically designed for rendering graphical content.
Historically, GPU's graphical content on the web--
the only content you could offload to the GPU
has been stuff like transitions and animations
and things like that.
Which are very nice.
Makes for much more interactive web sites.
But we've also been adding some APIs to the web platform
that allow you to do real rich 3-D immersive scenes
in the browser.
So I'll show you an example of that.
The technology that we're using for this
is called WebGL.
And this is a demo of a little aquarium.
And as it loads, you'll see,
there'll be a bunch of fish swimming around
in the aquarium.
All the assets are now loaded.
And WebGL is doing all the work to make sure we keep track
of the lighting, the shadows,
which fish is in front of the other fish,
and all the different layers that correspond
to the locations of the fish.
And as I add more fish to the aquarium,
it gets-- there's more work to do.
And all this is being offloaded to the GPU.
And that's why it can be so responsive,
and the path of the fish can be so smooth.
I'll even add a few more fish.
I can change the view, and you'll see that
it's actually a spherical aquarium.
You can see the light reflecting off the sides of the tank,
and the walls reflecting off the sides.
It's a pretty complicated scene from a graphics perspective.
And you can see there's some sharks in there.
And if I unveil my secret feature,
you can see lasers shooting out of the sharks' eyes.
And the lasers will actually refract
as they come around the bend off the side of the tank,
as if it were a real 3-D aquarium
with a real spherical tank.
You can see the refraction right now
as they come around the bend.
So it's pretty cool. It's a really nice example
of what you can do with graphics in today's web.
And just to prove we can,
I'll ratchet us up to 1,000 fish.
And the browser can still handle it.
So that's pretty cool. We're excited about that.
Now, the next one is another example
of something you can do in WebGL.
This is a visualization of earthquakes
that have happened in the last year
overlaid on a globe.
And you kind of spin the globe.
Has a little, real-- A feel of real gravity
and the spin of the earth
as you grab it and fling it.
You can kind of see where the fault lines are,
based on where the earthquakes are happening.
Each one of these dots represents an earthquake.
And the farther away the dot is from the surface of the earth
represents a larger earthquake.
So I can even pick one of these earthquakes
from the sidebar here,
and the globe will spin to that location, zoom in,
and you'll see a completely unscientific
and completely gratuitous animation,
but still somewhat illustrative
of what an earthquake might look like
if you could see it, and we were in space.
Uh, here we go.
There it is.
So pretty cool.
Now, I have one more demo of what you can do
with WebGL on the browser.
And this one's a great example
of something that happens when a team hears about
the capabilities in the browser,
and they get excited about something
they've been wanting to do for a while.
So this comes to us from the Google health team.
As you can see, it's a model of a body.
You can move it around, you can spin it.
You can zoom in and out.
And I'll be very careful about how I do this next part,
or else this would have been a demo
that would have been better suited for incognito.
But you can remove layers.
And we'll just skip ahead to remove the musculature.
You can see the bones.
you can hide the bones and see the organs.
You can hide the organs and see the circulatory
and nervous system.
And, of course, you can zoom in and navigate around.
It's very nice.
The other cool thing you can do here
is you can actually search for a body part.
I always get confused between the femur and the fibula,
so I'll just type in "F."
There you can see the femur. The fibula's the one below it.
Femur, fibula.
And you can learn about a whole bunch
of other body parts just by scrolling down the list.
The layers will hid and show appropriately.
Zoom in to the right locations
and you can see all these different body parts.
And it's very smooth.
All this work is happening on the GPU.
Really easy to transition between these two states.
It's a great experience.
So I'm very excited to see what else people will build,
given these APIs in the browser.
And we'll see what else is in store.
But the most important thing is it's all going to be
really, really fast.
Pichai: Thanks, Brian.
I always get excited when new capabilities
are added to browsers
because developers are very imaginative.
And I can only imagine the kind of rich
3-D graphical applications you're going to see on the web.
In fact, this Liquid Galaxy demo
of all the fish running around is in the back of the hall.
And if you get a chance, you should take a look at it later.
Continuing on speed...
This is something, you know, we invest
most of our time on.
The whole speed journey for us, when we launched Chrome,
started with something called V8.
It was a brand new JavaScript engine
which was built by a team in Denmark.
Which was, at that time,
the best in class JavaScript engine.
When we launched V8, we were 8x faster
in 2008 than the fastest JavaScript performance
out there on the market.
And compared to IE, we were about 16x faster.
Most users on the web were using IE at that time.
And so we were about 16x faster.
We have continued to work on this JavaScript performance
in every single release of Chrome since then.
So if you look at how we have progressed
in the last few versions,
we have made V8 another 4x faster.
So it is about 32x faster than web browsers were
two years ago.
The good new is, because V8 is open-source,
a lot of browsers are improving JavaScript performance,
and the web is getting much faster.
We are very excited to announce that today
we are adding an enhancement to V8.
It is called Crankshaft,
and it can be anywhere up to 2x faster,
depending on the benchmark you use.
So with V8 today-- with Crankshaft,
which uses a technology called adaptive compiling,
we are about 50x as fast as web browsers were
just two years ago.
And if you compare it to IE two years ago,
we are 100x faster.
So something which took about a minute
to execute in JavaScript about two years ago
can happen in less than a second today.
That's progress, in terms of speed,
and it makes the web much, much faster.
The next area we focus on in Chrome
is simplicity.
In fact, the name Chrome comes from the fact that
we wanted to focus on the content of the web page,
not the chrome of the browser.
If you looked at an average browser
at the time we launched Chrome--
--if you take roughly 800 x 600 screen size--
about 1/3 of that screen real estate
was used by the chrome of the browser.
Only 2/3 of the real estate was left
for the content of the web page.
The second insight we had in Chrome was that
Chrome is only a tool to help users use the web.
The browser is only there for you to use the web.
And so the browser should be as minimal as possible.
We constantly-- while it is subtle
and most people wouldn't notice it--
We constantly look at every pixel
to free up real estate for the browser.
We are now down to seven click targets
on the top of the browser.
But simplicity is not just UI alone.
Again, just like speed, it goes beyond UI
into all aspects of the browser.
Here are a few additional things we do.
Today, for most browsers,
users are responsible for making sure
the browser is the latest and most secure version.
if you use Google Chrome, we make sure we seamlessly
and transparently auto-update users to the latest version.
We have had over 30 stable updates in Chrome
in the last two years, and users never noticed.
We take care of it for them.
So that's simplicity.
The second thing is we never, ever interrupt users
when they're using Chrome with modal dialogues.
By modal dialogues, I'm talking about dialogues
which appear in front of your browser
asking you a question.
You will never see that in Chrome.
And so, again, it adds to the simplicity experience
so that you can focus on the web.
Today we are very excited to announce a third area,
which I think really improves simplicity.
We call this the same Chrome experience everywhere.
If you go to Chrome today, in your preferences menu
you can turn on a feature called Chrome Sync.
When you turn on that feature,
you can choose which data you want to sync.
You can sync every aspect of your data--
bookmarks, themes, extensions, applications--
so that Chrome feels the same-- personalized Chrome--
independent of the machine you use.
It really makes the browser much simpler to use.
The third area on Chrome we want to talk to you about
is security.
Security's kind of a dull area to talk about,
but it turns out it's the most important area for users.
They get impacted every day.
In fact, the bad guys have it very, very easy
on the web nowadays.
They don't even need to work hard to find exploits.
They can actually wait to hear about a known exploit.
So there's an exploit in a browser,
and the browser has put out a new version.
Users don't update their browser frequently.
In fact, there is a big, long window
before people update their browser to the latest version.
SO if you're a bad guy, you can actually wait.
Wait till the exploit is identified.
There is a known patch for it out.
You can still go and compromise all those users
who haven't been updated to the latest version.
So we are working to solve that problem in Chrome.
It is never possible to design a perfectly secure system.
So the way we approach security
is what we call defense in depth.
Hence the castle analogy.
You have to build many, many layers of security
so that if the first layer breaks down,
the second layer is there to protect you, and so on.
So there are three main things we do in Chrome
to keep users safe.
The first is full auto-updates.
It is extraordinarily important
that you are always on the latest
and the most secure version.
We take care of that for users.
The second is what we call sandboxing.
What do we mean by sandboxing?
Sandboxing means in case a bad piece of code, malware,
gets in your browser,
that it is contained within the browser,
and it cannot escape it
to compromise the rest of your system.
It cannot persist on a system.
It cannot read your data.
It cannot log onto your firmware
and, you know, read your keyboard strokes, et cetera.
So we protect that.
People use the word sandbox casually,
but in the world of security,
among security researchers, it has a very precise meaning.
They call this a "security boundary."
Chrome is the only true sandbox
available in modern browsers.
There are several research papers
which validate this,
and it provides state-of-the-art security
for people browsing the web today.
Today we are excited to talk about
the next step in sandboxing, which is plug-in sandboxing.
You know, we have sandbox web pages.
But it turns out another common-use case in browsers
is to use plug-ins.
Plug-ins aren't sandboxed in browsers today,
and so that is a security vector.
We are working with some of the most popular plug-ins
out there.
We started with PDF.
Brian gave you a demo of how fast PDF is in Chrome.
But what he didn't mention is it is fully built into Chrome,
we constantly keep it updated,
and it runs within the Chrome sandbox.
The next area we are working on is with autob.
We are working closely with autob to make sure Flash--
Flash is currently built into Chrome.
We update Chrome users to the latest
and secure version of Flash all the time.
And we have partially sandboxed Flash,
and we are going to be working with autob
to make it fully sandboxed as well.
So again, security is something which impacts users
on a day-to-day basis,
and we are working very, very hard
to make Chrome secure.
So the combination of speed, simplicity, and security
is what we hope has helped us
get tremendous eruption in the marketplace.
We are at 120 million users,
and we thank users for their support,
and we look forward to more innovations there.
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