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    Odwiedzasz EDU.LEARN

    Najlepszym sposobem na naukę języka jest jego używanie. W EDU.LEARN znajdziesz interesujące teksty i videa, które dadzą Ci taką właśnie możliwość. Nie przejmuj się - nasze filmiki mają napisy, dzięki którym lepiej je zrozumiesz. Dodatkowo, po kliknięciu na każde słówko, otrzymasz jego tłumaczenie oraz prawidłową wymowę.

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  2. Mini lekcje

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  3. Wideo

    Ćwicz język obcy oglądając ciekawe filmiki. Wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na filmik. Nie martw się, obok każdego z nich są napisy. A może wcale nie będą Ci one potrzebne? Spróbuj!

  4. Teksty

    Czytaj ciekawe artykuły, z których nauczysz się nowych słówek i dowiesz więcej o rzeczach, które Cię interesują. Podobnie jak z filmikami, możesz wybrać temat oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknąć na wybrany artykuł. Nasz interaktywny słownik pomoże Ci zrozumieć nawet trudne teksty, a kontekst ułatwi zapamiętanie słówek. Dodatkowo, każdy artykuł może być przeczytany na głos przez wirtualnego lektora, dzięki czemu ćwiczysz słuchanie i wymowę!

  5. Słowa

    Tutaj możesz znaleźć swoją listę "Moje słówka", czyli funkcję wyszukiwania słówek - a wkrótce także słownik tematyczny. Do listy "Moje słówka" możesz dodawać słowa z sekcji Videa i Teksty. Każde z słówek dodanych do listy możesz powtórzyć później w jednym z naszych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo, zawsze możesz iść do swojej listy i sprawdzić znaczenie, wymowę oraz użycie słówka w zdaniu. Użyj naszej wyszukiwarki słówek w części "Słownictwo", aby znaleźć słowa w naszej bazie.

  6. Lista tekstów

    Ta lista tekstów pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Teksty". Wybierz poziom trudności oraz temat, a następnie artykuł, który Cię interesuje. Kiedy już zostaniesz do niego przekierowany, kliknij na "Play", jeśli chcesz, aby został on odczytany przez wirtualnego lektora. W ten sposób ćwiczysz umiejętność słuchania. Niektóre z tekstów są szczególnie interesujące - mają one odznakę w prawym górnym rogu. Koniecznie je przeczytaj!

  7. Lista Video

    Ta lista filmików pojawia się po kliknięciu na "Video". Podobnie jak w przypadku Tekstów, najpierw wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na wybrane video. Te z odznaką w prawym górnym rogu są szczególnie interesujące - nie przegap ich!

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Developer Sandbox Interviews: NBA Digital


Temat: Sport

MALE: Welcome. Can you give us an introduction of yourselves, your company, and your product?
>> JAMES: Sure. My name is Kimberly James. I'm a Director of Wireless Operations for
NBA Digital. >> OCCHIALINI: Hi. I'm Robert Occhialini.
And I'm the Director of Technology for Product Development for NBA Digital.
>> MALE: Okay. Can you tell me a little bit about the products that you're demoing today?
>> JAMES: Sure. The--only the products we're demoing is called T-Mobile Close Up. It's
basically a video streaming application of the TNT-4 camera angles over Android. And
basically it's over the Eastern Conference finals only. And during each game, we'll stream
live from four camera angles; Cavaliers cam, MagicCam, ActionCam, and the Robocam. When
games are not going on, we provide you with video clips of the day's previously played.
>> OCCHIALINI: And the other app that we're showing today is NBA Game Time for Android,
which is the basic application that most basketball fans would need to follow their teams, scores,
standings, schedule, and play-off series throughout the season.
>> MALE: So talk to me a little bit about your decision to use the Android platform?
>> JAMES: So basically, we decided to put these applications out towards the end of
play-offs to see what the adoption would be across two platforms. And wanted them being
Android was very interesting to us because of the touch interface that the Android device
provides. And it works well with the designs we did across iPhone. So we thought we would
use that same design and similar functionality across Android. With Android streaming functionality
available across RTSP and--in a 3GPP format, we were able to also leverage that platform
as well to accommodate any type of direct screening into our encoder for TNT. So, Android,
it just opens up doors to see what we can do across that platform from a touch device.
>> MALE: What's the biggest differentiator that you see in Android?
>> OCCHIALINI: I think one of the biggest differentiator is the ability to reuse the
code you write for Android on other mobile platforms, where some other more popular touch
screen devices used add ball form of tool set and make it kind of one-time use. With
Android, we can use about 75 to 80 percent of our code across other mobile platforms
as well. >> MALE: Have there been any significant challenges
that you've had in working with the platform? >> OCCHIALINI: I think with NBA Game Time,
we've made a decision to do sort of a more-high concept user interface than most touch screen
applications. And really implementing that sort of high concept UI was a real challenge
at times, but it did turn out really, really nice in the end.
>> MALE: So are there any new teachers in Cupcake that you've been able to take advantage
of? >> JAMES: That was probably one of our heaviest
challenges with the video streaming application is being able to work with the Cupcake platform.
Recently, Cupcake has upgraded their versions to account for H.264 that we think will be
a great upgrade for us next season. But for this season, there was some challenges getting
the video to coordinate with the Cupcake platform. >> MALE: Any tips or an info just getting
started on the Android platform? >> OCCHIALINI: I think really two things that
I definitely learned early on is that Android users expect a very lean app. They want to
conserve the room on their phones. We got a lot of feedback from users initially that
the app was larger than we should have, but we fixed that over time. I'm definitely really
happy with sort of the engagement with users. We get a lot of positive feedback directly
from users at our Gmail accounts, so... >> MALE: Is that interaction with your users
on the Android platform different from the other platform?
>> OCCHIALINI: Yeah. I mean, we really--there's a lot more of an opportunity through the infrastructure
that Google's built to get direct feedback and have two-way communication with your users
where some other platforms, the communication is very one-way. And you don't have that opportunity
to kind of address issues with users unless you sort of build your own customer support
silos. You know, having sort of that base Gmail box that we can aggregate the user response
at is a really helpful tool, so... >> JAMES: Yes.
>> MALE: So do you have any favorite features with Android?
>> JAMES: Yeah. I mean, one favorite feature of Android specific to the T-Mobile Close
Up application is the application that you play a video up in the corner of the screen
as you're trying to choose another channel, which is pretty unique to that particular
application. So that's my favorite feature. >> MALE: What about you Robert, do you have
any favorites? >> OCCHIALINI: Nothing pops into my head.
I mean, the whole thing is pretty smooth and easy to use. So there's actually one UIL that
we ended up being able to implement a lot easier on Android, now that I think about
it for the play-offs than it was for some other platforms too which are bracket navigation,
so... >> MALE: Great. Kimberly, Robert, I want to
thank you for you time today. It's very good. >> JAMES: Thank you.
>> OCCHIALINI: Thanks.
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