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Green Jobs for a Green Future: Green Roofing


Temat: Środowisko

♪♪ Music playing ♪♪
MR. JONES: I've got a question for you: how do you create jobs,
redevelop urban communities, and help the environment at
the same time?
Well, these guys have a pretty good idea.
They are DC Greenworks.
I'm Van Jones.
I'm the Special Advisor for Green Jobs for the White House
Council on Environmental Quality.
Let's go check them out.
♪♪ Music playing ♪♪
MR. JONES: Hey, Sara.
Good to see you.
MS. LOVELAND: Good to see you!
MR. JONES: That's good.
MS. LOVELAND: Thanks for coming out today.
MR. JONES: Oh no, I'm good.
So what -- so tell me what's going on.
I see a bunch of dirt and I see a bunch of people; what's
the deal here?
MS. LOVELAND: That's what our part of the green collar
industry is all about.
It really is just a bunch of dirt and a bunch of people.
And there are some plants as well.
MR. JONES: So, you're making green roofs?
MR. JONES: I've heard of solar panels, I've heard of wind
farms; what's a green roof?
Why is a green roof a good thing?
MS. LOVELAND: Well, a green roof, as we build them, is
a vegetative roof.
And it's a good thing because it adds insulation qualities
to your building.
It also reduces the urban heat island effect, so it's really
critical for American urban areas.
And it reduces storm water runoff, which is really
critical in D.C.
That's why we got into green roofing in the first place,
because it has the opportunity to mitigate a lot
of our pollution.
MR. JONES: So you take this earth -- it's sort of earth
that's good for the Earth, I guess, because you put it up
on the roof?
MS. LOVELAND: Yeah, we grow -- with this soil mix, we grow
sedum and succulents which are hardy, drought-resistant plants
and they also spread really rapidly.
So what you're gonna see today doesn't look like a green roof,
it looks more brown.
MR. JONES: Yeah.
MS. LOVELAND: But keep in mind that these plants grow at about
1,000 times their initial size every season, so --
MR. JONES: Oh, okay.
MS. LOVELAND: Really, really rapid growth.
MR. JONES: Okay.
MR. JONES: For me, I think about, you know, there's a real
need now for jobs.
You know, the home builders and construction workers who, for a
long time, had a lot of work to do, now they're kind of idle.
The President has a big initiative to want to weatherize
and retrofit homes and buildings to make them
more energy efficient.
Do you think that green roofs should be a part of that effort?
MS. LOVELAND: Absolutely.
Green roofs definitely need to be a part of the effort.
Not even "should," they need to be.
Especially in urban areas where you see the
benefits really maximized.
These are populations where we're only increasing the
density and expanded green space and reduced temperatures and
cleaner air quality and improved river quality really helps all
of the inhabitants.
MR. JONES: And if we continue to do this type of work in the
United States, it should be a long career path for you.
MS. LOVELAND: It's a highly skilled, high paying job and I
think it's one that a lot of people would like to get into.
MR. JONES: Perfect; now let's go, let's check it out.
MS. LOVELAND: All right.
MR. JONES: Nobody gets to laugh until the ambulance comes.
♪♪ Music playing ♪♪
MS. LOVELAND: So here we are on the roof.
MS. LOVELAND: This is where all the rest of the magic happens.
MR. JONES: That's good, that's good.
MS. LOVELAND: This is the final step.
MR. JONES: So, is this the "green" in the green roof?
MS. LOVELAND: Yeah, this is the green.
MR. JONES: So --
MS. LOVELAND: So, I told you it was gonna look a little like a
brown roof at first.
MR. JONES: Yeah.
MS. LOVELAND: So, you can see where we planted sedums there in
the fall that have started to take hold.
MR. JONES: Now, can I eat this?
Is this, like, food, or no?
MS. LOVELAND: Well, we don't eat these but you can plant herbs on
roofs and if you build deeper roofs you can also grow.
So you can use rooftops as agricultural sources.
MR. JONES: Yeah, well, that might become important as our
climate change hits.
More droughts and that kind of stuff.
We might want to use less energy to transport food around.
Do you guys think that, you know, someday green roofs will
be a part of the food chain?
Is that a possibility?
MS. LOVELAND: Someday?
MR. JONES: Someday.
MR. JONES: Today! Good. (Laughter.)
This is the kind of stuff that President Obama is
super excited about.
We're trying to figure out ways to solve as many problems as we
can with as little money as possible.
So I know he's gonna be super happy to hear about this.
♪♪ Music playing ♪♪
MR. JONES: So, I heard you guys got a big grant, you've got this
big vision for this quarter, tell me about it.
What's next for Greenworks?
MS. LOVELAND: Well, we got a grant from the Deputy Mayor for
Planning and Economic Development's
office for $150,000 --
MR. JONES: Oh, wow, that's great.
MS. LOVELAND: And we will use that to build 11 green roofs
along this corridor on roofs that already needed
to be replaced.
Now, it provides for DC Greenworks to train and
apprentices and for our staff to assist the business owners with
designing and building the green roof and it leverages volunteer
labor from the community to build it as well.
So, we only ask that the building owners match the cash
subsidy from the Deputy Mayor's office, which is about the
equivalent of just replacing their roof with a new membrane.
So, they're gonna get a green roof that offers them all of
these benefits; an extended life, reduce their heating and
cooling cost, lower their bill, their business operating
expenses, and all for the price of just a
regular roof replacement.
MR. JONES: Wow, that's awesome.
This is reality, this is urban America.
People are getting healthier, saving money, getting jobs,
doing job training, working together; thank you, Greenworks.
MS. LOVELAND: Thank you, Van.
MR. JONES: You guys are showing the way.
We appreciate you.
MS. LOVELAND: We're so glad you could come out.
MR. JONES: Yeah, yeah, it's really amazing.
So, yeah, thanks.
MS. LOVELAND: Thank you.
♪♪ Music playing ♪♪
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