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    Odwiedzasz EDU.LEARN

    Najlepszym sposobem na naukę języka jest jego używanie. W EDU.LEARN znajdziesz interesujące teksty i videa, które dadzą Ci taką właśnie możliwość. Nie przejmuj się - nasze filmiki mają napisy, dzięki którym lepiej je zrozumiesz. Dodatkowo, po kliknięciu na każde słówko, otrzymasz jego tłumaczenie oraz prawidłową wymowę.

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  3. Wideo

    Ćwicz język obcy oglądając ciekawe filmiki. Wybierz temat, który Cię interesuje oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknij na filmik. Nie martw się, obok każdego z nich są napisy. A może wcale nie będą Ci one potrzebne? Spróbuj!

  4. Teksty

    Czytaj ciekawe artykuły, z których nauczysz się nowych słówek i dowiesz więcej o rzeczach, które Cię interesują. Podobnie jak z filmikami, możesz wybrać temat oraz poziom trudności, a następnie kliknąć na wybrany artykuł. Nasz interaktywny słownik pomoże Ci zrozumieć nawet trudne teksty, a kontekst ułatwi zapamiętanie słówek. Dodatkowo, każdy artykuł może być przeczytany na głos przez wirtualnego lektora, dzięki czemu ćwiczysz słuchanie i wymowę!

  5. Słowa

    Tutaj możesz znaleźć swoją listę "Moje słówka", czyli funkcję wyszukiwania słówek - a wkrótce także słownik tematyczny. Do listy "Moje słówka" możesz dodawać słowa z sekcji Videa i Teksty. Każde z słówek dodanych do listy możesz powtórzyć później w jednym z naszych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo, zawsze możesz iść do swojej listy i sprawdzić znaczenie, wymowę oraz użycie słówka w zdaniu. Użyj naszej wyszukiwarki słówek w części "Słownictwo", aby znaleźć słowa w naszej bazie.

  6. Lista tekstów

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Tips on Living 'Green' : "Green" Baby Nurseries


Temat: Środowisko

Hi, what do we really mean when we say pick a green or eco friendly hair and body product?
Well there's a couple of things. The first thing is you want to make sure there's no
chemicals in the product. It's very important to do some research online and become an informed
consumer. Use your consumer power. Don't buy the products from the companies that are still
using the old chemicals that are harmful for our bodies, they're not good for the environment,
they get into the water supply, they get into our rivers, our lakes, and you don't want
to be using those products, so be a detective and pick up the label. Even if a company puts
natural on the front of it, make sure that you're not getting a product that has mineral
oil for example. That is not good. Or a product that is petroleum based. Or a product that
has parabens. Parabens are known to mimic estrogen in the body. Another item that you
want to avoid is sodium laurel sulfate which we find in a lot of children and baby products.
You just want to ditch those because now there are a lot of eco friendly companies that are
using high grade quality organic botanicals, flowers and plant based hair and body products.
They're using a hundred percent pure essential oils of wheat germ, sweet almond oil, hohoba
oil, and even in your make up, look for mineral make ups, look for mineral lipsticks. This
is a beautiful one right here. You know your skin is your largest organ of the body and
you want to make sure that you give it ingredients that are truly natural and truly green. Another
thing is make sure the company is using recycled containers. So these are a few things that
you can look for and learn about so that you can truly select a green eco friendly hair
and body product. Okay, now that I've convinced you to ditch all the products using chemicals,
I'm going to show you how easy it is to make a natural green shampoo right in your own
home. It's inexpensive and it's easy to make and you'll love it. The first couple things
you'll have to buy is either an unscented shampoo or you can use a pure liquid castile
soap like the one I have here. Then you'll need a half a cup of distilled water, four
tablespoons of lemon juice. Now I'm a very busy mom so I don't have time to squeeze those
lemons so I'm just using organic concentrated lemon juice right here. Then you can take
your essential oil, either wheat germ, almond oil or hohoba oil. Then you take your plastic
container and your funnel. The first thing you'll do is pour the water in just like that.
Then you'll want to add the half a cup of your liquid castile soap. Mmmm, smells so
good, this one has an extra lavender essential oil, gives it a nice pleasant scent. Put the
oil in like that, and then you'll add your lemon juice. Lemon juice will help bring out
the highlights of your hair too. And then I will add just a little bit of hohoba oil,
just a drop. And five drops of noroly oil. Noroly oil has a wonderful scent and the essential
oil is very nourishing for our body, our skin and our hair. Five drops. Make sure you use
one hundred percent pure essential oils. We don't want anything synthetic. Then what you'll
do is you'll store this in a cool dry place for a couple of days and every day give it
a few shakes, maybe twice a day, and then you can start using it on your hair and you
can also make it and give it to your family and friends. Now because there's no preservative
in here, you could put a drop of vitamin E as a natural preservative or the best thing
is, don't make a lot of it because you want to be able to use it rather quickly, I would
say a week at the most. You see, anything that's natural, you can use your nose to tell
when it's going bad, just smell it, and if you feel like it's going bad, then you would
stop using it. And that's all there is to it. I just showed you how to make a natural
green eco friendly hair shampoo.
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