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Basic Rules Of Soccer


Temat: Sport

Soccer is a very popular and competitive sports game. In this game you have two opposed teams trying to score a goal for their squad by striking the ball into the other side's soccer goal. While this can be a playful and exciting game both to watch and play there are a few basic rules of soccer that need to be followed. These are mainly ways to keep the game from turning roughneck, violent and very dangerous. In the first part of game you will have two teams who are unforced to play against each other. I know this is common sense, however this is the basic rules of soccer. The very first basic rules of soccer should come into play as soon as both of these teams are on the field. There should be Eleven people on the field at one given time. The rest of the squad should be sitting or waiting on the sidelines waiting to go in and play. They must stay there unless they are required to go on the field. In the most basic rules of soccer besides having fun you should make sure that you manipulate the ball with the rest of your body. Although this appears to be a simple task, try it, you will soon find out it is challenging. You want to be sure that your hands and arms come absolutely nowhere near the association football or the other team will get a free turn at performing and your squad will have to begin the defensive attitude soccer ball game. When you are playing this game you will need to make sure that you don't take on the goal keeper. He almost is considered to be in sacred ground back there at the goal. Another words, goal keepers are well protected by the rules. Doing a move like this will only gain your team a foul. This is a punishment which will let your opponents have a free turn at trying to score a goal. Of all the basic rules of soccer, that of winning the game by having the most goals scored is the end all be all. You must try to reach this by playing fairly, otherwise your team will suffer useful points. So, what else can be included in the basic rules of soccer? What can you anticipate? You should try and ward off any dive tackles as this can cause hurt to the person that you are tackling. Now, once you become more experienced there are ways to accomplish the same end result as a diving tackle would. Except without the injuries and penalties. Also, you will want to invest in the right soccer equipment that your soccer team approves of. Now there is only one main rule that you will need to remember. From all of the basic rules of soccer this one counts the most - Have Fun! Well now that you know a few of the basic rules of soccer you can try this game out for yourself. There are many city and state leagues that one can join to start in there soccer endeavors. There are very few rules for you to truly remember but if you want to know some of the other rules that are around for more of the big boys (big matches) soccer games you can see what the FIFA World Wide Web site has about these soccer rules. Author: bowechaim Source: www.articlecircle.com/Free Articles About the Author Bowe is the webmaster and content provide for many informational websites. Please visit his Soccer site at: http://soccer.infoforuonline.com

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